
Showing posts from October, 2017

Johnny V.S. Me

Hey Guy's!!! As you guy's know we are reading "The Outsiders".  I think that I am most related to Johnny. I have my reasons to prove that I kind of connect to Johnny. First Off, I connect to Johnny because he is kind and nice, and most people consider me as kind and nice. Also, Johnny is quiet, and most of the time I am quiet. Also, Johnny is very shy when people talk to him and I am shy when people talk to me, but not always. Also, Johnny in the Outsiders helps out his friend Ponyboy when he nearly gets killed by the Socs and I also help people when they are hurt or they don't feel good. This is basically why I relate to Johnny in the Outsiders. I hope you like it! :)

Free Blog Post!!!

It's free blog post. I am going to write about what my favorite season of the year is. My favorite season of the year is Summer. I like summer because it's my birthday, and also you can go to the pool with your friends, and you can just play outside. You also can go to the park. I like it because it is sunny, but I don't like the part when it's like 90 degrees. I only like it when it is like 80 degrees. This is why I like summer, and also why my favorite season is summer.

Future Me in 10 years

In 10 years from now I will be 23 years old and be at college, studying to be a doctor or pharmacist or teacher. I know I have a lot of choices to choose from. I will be helping people and curing people and also teaching people. I also, like helping people because it's a nice thing to do. I might be a 2nd grade teacher because second grade is not to hard or not to easy so it will just be in the middle. I will be working in a hospital to cure people. Then after a few years I will get married and have 2 kids, I want 2 girls because then they might help me with chores and stuff. This is basically what I will be doing in ten years.

My Identity

My identity's are that I am Asian. My parents are from Bangladesh, a small country in Asia. I was born in Chicago and was born in North Shore Hospital. I like to play basketball, volleyball, and badminton. I am the oldest of 4 children. With me is 4 children. I have 2 sisters and one baby brother. I am 13 years old and in 8th grade. I also like to listen to music. My favorite colors are blue, and purple. That's it, I hope you like it.