
Showing posts from April, 2018

Endings and Beginnings

My ending at District 67 went by so fast. I can't believe its over. It feels like it just was the first day of kindergarten, but guess what is is almost the end of 8th grade. I am really nervous/scared for high school, and at the sometime I am kind of excited, to meet new people. I hope my last few weeks of middle school go by fun. Here are a few goals for High School: 1). Make better study habits 2). Study for all tests!! 3). Do my homework- even though I do it most of the time. 4). Ask for help if I don't understand something 5). Ask Questions!! This is basically some of my goals for high school.

Who was Anne Frank?

Well, Today you are gonna learn about who Anne Frank was. Anne Frank was the girl who had a diary, and was the girl who was forced into hiding for more than 2 years. Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt Germany. Her diary was named "The Diary of A Young Girl". Anne Frank wrote down her feelings, and events she passed through in the Secret Annex. The Secret Annex was where Anne's family hid in for two years. They hid in there because Anne's sister, Margot received a letter ordering her to go to a work camp in Germany. The Secret Annex was located behind Anne Frank's fathers office. But, eventually they were found and sent to a concentration camp. Anne Frank died because of typhus fever. She died on March 12, 1945 in the concentration camp. She died at the age of 15. I hope you learned a lot about Anne Frank.


No one can live without food. Food is everything to me. I love food. The best cook in my house is my mom because, she makes everything so flavor able, and tasty, that's what makes my mom the best cook in the house. Even if my dad would cook he would never be able to cook like my mom. My favorite dish that my mom cooks is her pasta, or chicken and rice. Her pasta is delicious she sometimes makes it with ground beef or chicken and sometime makes it with cheese. I also like her chicken and rice. It is simply rice with chicken and a few vegetables and some spices. This is why my mom is the best cook at my house.

7 test taking tips to prepare for a test

Here are a few test taking tips to prepare for a test.... 1). Don't Give Up, Always try your best, Believe in Yourself 2). Don't Procrastinate, Study on a daily basis for about 10-15 minutes. 3). Eat a healthy breakfast, It is never easy to take a test while your stomach is growling, Well at least for me it's not easy. 4). Get Plenty of Sleep, You don't want to be sleepy while you are taking your test 5). Think Positive, NOT Negative, Always thing Positive, Don't think you're gonna fail the test. 6). Read all the Instructions and listen carefully. 7). Don't rush on the day of the tests, Get all your books ready the day before. YOU CAN DO IT!!!