3 Best Quotes in the Entire World

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  This quote means a lot to me because when a person is bullying you, you know that they are lower then you so you can just ignore them and never really care about it. This is why I really like this quote.

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This 2nd quote means a lot to me because This quote is saying that Always be Happy, be bright, and be you. I like all of them. I like Be happy because if you are happy then you are excited. I like be bright because to me it means don't talk mean about other people. I like Be you because just be yourself no matter when someone makes you down. This is why I really like this quote.

I like this quote because It says Be Yourself and you actually should be yourself because if you don't be yourself some people are going to respect you the way you are acting. This is why I'm saying just be yourself. This is why I really like this quote.


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