
Showing posts from November, 2017

Perseverance Blog

Today, we are suppose to write about a time when you did something that you thought you could not do and also, weave in the idea of perseverance. I thought that I could never tie my shoes. It was very complicated. I kept trying and trying. I still couldn't do it. So I gave up, and were the Velcro  ones. So, one day when I was walking I noticed that I was the only person wearing Velcro shoes. I felt very embarrassed. So, the night before I practiced tying my shoes, My mom thought me a trick it was a rhyme. The rhyme was " Bunny ears, Bunny ears, playing by a tree. Criss-crossed the tree, trying to catch me. Bunny ears, Bunny ears, jumped into the hole, Popped out the other side beautiful and bold."  That was the rhyme. So I kept trying and trying and then, I finally got it. I was so happy!! Also, to me perseverance means when you did something that you thought you couldn't do. Some, quotes that I like about perseverance are......

My Favorite Binges

I have a lot of binges that I really like to do. Well, some of my favorite binges are to read. I love to read. Every time I read a book, the more I get better at reading, which is a good thing. My favorite Book is Mallory on the Move, it is the first book in the series and it is written by Laurie Friedman. Also, another one of my binges are watching YouTube. On YouTube there is everything you want form Music to DIY's. I like watching crafts and hacks and also watching some youtubers. These are my favorite binges, But, I have a lot more I can add. But, these is all for today's blog post.

It's Turkey Time!!

I'm sitting on my bed and watching Stranger Things. I was so ready for thanksgiving  the mashed potatoes, the turkey, the pumpkin pie. As I was watching Stranger Things, I thought to myself "What am I grateful for". 1). I am thankful for my parents who support me and teaching me the right and wrong. 2). I am thankful for my friends because they are always there for me and put's a smile on my face each and everyday. 3). I am thankful for all the wonderful teachers who teach me and make me smarter each and everyday. 4). I am thankful for food, shelter, and water because you can't survive without this stuff.  5). I am thankful for Doctors because they save many people's lives each and everyday and take care of my health.  6). I am thankful for transportation because you won't get tired to walk to one place. Instead, you could go to many places with a car. Also, your feet would've got tired.  7). I am thankful for my siblings ...